More Live From Copley – Fairlawn Prison

Smart and must-read Kevin Huffman column on the Ohio Mom now who was locked up for breaking school boundary laws.

Orthogonal point to Kevin’s argument but he notes that the mom had been taking classes to become a teacher and now likely can’t get a teaching license because she’s a convicted felon.  Even is she’s not pardoned in many states you still can get a license with a waiver from the state board of education based on a variety of factors including the nature of the offense, time since it occurred, whether the person is still on probation, etc…).   And that’s as it should be, some discretion is appropriate depending on the circumstances of individual cases.

One Reply to “More Live From Copley – Fairlawn Prison”

  1. Some more smart read and background from Akron:
    Copley case not about race

    Here are some facts.

    From 2005 through Friday afternoon, the Copley-Fairlawn School District formally confronted 48 families whose children were illegally attending its schools. The breakdown:

    • 29 families were black.

    • 15 families were white.

    • two families were Asian.

    • one family was Pacific Islander.

    • one family was multiracial.

    Question: If Copley went after Kelley Williams-Bolar because she is black, why didn’t Copley take the 28 other black families to court?

    Answer: Because those families didn’t do what Williams-Bolar did. Those families paid what they owed and immediately withdrew from the school or made arrangements so their children were legally residing in the district.

    Williams-Bolar was not singled out because of her skin color. She was singled out because — unlike 47 other families of varying colors — she openly and continually defied the school system, insisting that her kids lived in the district when they were living with her in Akron, and lying about her income and child support so her kids would get free lunches.

    That’s what a jury decided unanimously — a jury that included four blacks.

    Moreover, when Williams-Bolar cried racism two years ago, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights investigated her situation and concluded that race had nothing to do with it.

    The office issued a four-page ruling on Dec. 10, 2008, that proclaimed white and black families in the same situation had been treated the same.

    As if the local hubbub were not enough, the story has gone national, and the nation is getting a staggering amount of misinformation.

    Kevin’s comparison to Rosa Parks skips that Rosa paid for her bus ticket, the same price as a white person.

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