Homeward Bound

Don’t get so into PISA today (can Finland fight off Shanghai and maintain its preeminent edutourism status?) that you miss two other important reports with more immediate implications for the U.S.   First, The New Teacher Project looks at Race to the Top and lessons learned on the process.   And CRPE takes a look at how to manage human capital across a portfolio district and some lessons there.

One Reply to “Homeward Bound”

  1. In reading, the U.S. finished twelfth among the 34 OECD nations. The U.S. scored ahead of Great Britain, Germany and France. (The U.S. also scored ahead of Spain, Italy, Denmark and Sweden.)

    In science, the U.S. scored 17th out of 34. That pretty much places us in the middle. Never mind how we got that.

    In math, the U.S. scored 25th out of 34. According to our calculations, this was our worst performance.

    This year, the PISA testing focused on reading.

    How well did various demographic groups in the U.S. perform?

    Such questions are painful but instructive, especially after last autumn’s orgy of teacher-bashing. For today, we’ll offer a tantalizing preview: If American kids of Asian descent were viewed as a separate country, their score would have been third-highest among the 34 OECD nations.

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