Wrecking Ball

From Philly, further evidence of the accomplishments today’s reform efforts put in jeopardy. By the way, remember this the next time someone tells you the grad rate problem is overstated…

One Reply to “Wrecking Ball”

  1. More from Philly:

    Corporate Charters Get the Cash: Philadelphia Charter School Battle Casts Nationwide Shadow

    Nationally noted activist/educator Dr. Walter D. Palmer, founder of an innovative charter school in Philadelphia, is in a historic battle with Philadelphia School District officials which could impact charters across Pennsylvania as well as the current debates nationwide over reforming public education.

    At issue is the failure of Philadelphia district officials to provide $1.7-million in funds for the high school at Palmer’s charter–money that he says prior school district officials approved but never delivered. ….“These [corporate] operatives are not concerned all of a sudden with the education of black and brown children,” Lassiter observed. “Why are we not empowering the black superheroes like Walter Palmer, whose school’s mission, history and philosophy are rooted in the community-based charter school movement?”

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