Wednesday, But No Woe For Sanford!

It’s been known for weeks but a Gates Foundation* presser yesterday makes it official:  Stefanie Sanford is becoming director of Advocacy and Policy for U.S. Programs at the foundation.  Greg Shaw is becoming a senior advisory for strategy and partnerships working with Gates CEO Jeff Raikes and US. Program president Allan Golston.  She’s an insiders insider and has been with Gates since 2002.  Stefanie has a state policy background as well as federal experience so she gets it and has had a hand in a variety of things over the past decade.

Elsewhere: East Harlem Tutorial Program needs a founding principal, great opportunity. Meanwhile, the Department of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas is looking for doctoral students.  Great opportunity to work with some leading edge folks on key issues and good funding opportunities for students.  And before you write-off Fayetteville it’s worth a visit, a very nice place (and near some outstanding trout fishing).

And, don’t miss this great conversation about charter scale with Robin Lake and Kevin Hall.

Finally, because Eduwonk cares about your personal safety, here’s what to do if you’re attacked by a mountain goat.

*Standing disc: Funds BW.

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