Never A Teacher Shortage On The First Day Of School?

That’s the old adage, a gallows joke about last minute non-credentialed hires.  But turns out it’s not true in Philly.

3 Replies to “Never A Teacher Shortage On The First Day Of School?”

  1. Most workers will not agree to forgo paid workdays or purchase essential materials for their jobs, but that’s not so in Long Beach, CA. There the teachers agreed to a five day unpaid furlough to help the district balance the budget for next year. In addition to that, teachers donated an average of one week in August to get their classrooms ready and spent about $500 each (of their own money) for needed materials.

    Let’s support the people who provide the direct school services to our nation’s children: teachers.

  2. Atrios also made a good point when this article came out. That is an incredibly low percentage of the teachers in the district.

  3. I think this not only shows these teachers aren’t professional but also aren’t committed to their career. As a graduate student in the educational field, my first priority as a teacher is my students. Not showing up for the first day of school would be a let down to their students. Most children are nervous the first day of school to begin with but getting there and not meeting your teacher would be more unsettling for these children.

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