Congrats: Winners list is public now: DC, FL, GA HI, MD, MA, NY, NC, OH, RI.
Reminder: Round II finalists were: AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, GA, HI, IL, KY, LA, MD, MA, NJ, NY, NC, OH, PA, RI, SC
Fallout: This list is causing some raised eyebrows already. Keep an eye out for questions questions about LA and CO and the relative strengths of their apps (and relative controversy around issues like teacher evaluation and holding schools of ed accountable) and also how New York went from not meeting the basic eligibility for the competition to being a winner.
And keep an eye on DC, FL, GA, HI MD, MA, NY, OH, and RI, which all have governors (mayor in DC) races ongoing right now. Rothenberg ratings here. Implementation implications.
Update: To be clear, we have to wait until all the scores are out but it seems that again the problem was not a thumb on the scale but rather a thumb off the scale and reviewers that didn’t reflect the administration’s avowed reform priorities.
Update II: Big winner is TFA? Obvious way: Teach For America is mentioned in all 12 winning applications from Round 1 and Round 2. Less obvious way: TFA has been pushing back on the move to make Title II teacher quality funding more based on competitive grants, they worry about an uneven grant process, going to be harder to argue with them now…
Update III: John Bailey spots some assessment competition implications, too.
Standing Disc: Bellwether personnel, including me, were involved in advising a number of states, winners and losers, about policy and strategy.
Don’t readers deserve to know the identities of the states you/Bellwether advised?
Looks like CO wasn’t even close (17 out of 19), and that RI was the only state to go backwards after the Phase II finalists were announced.
Guess that speaks ill for superstar reformer Deb Gist’s presentation skills.
RI’s score went down, but several states moved backwards. Most notably in interview based-changes, OH went from 13th to 10th after the interviews and won, most likely knocking LA (10th to 13th) and SC (11th to 14th) out of the money. Ohio’s change in score was +23.4 (compared to an average +9.5 change). The only state to change more was NJ (+34.4), who went from 19th to 11th.
I’m curious about the suggested implication for the assessment competition. How likely is one winner? Now that there are just two applications, I had expected both to be funded to provide models for a single future system. Maybe I’m reading the tea leaves wrong.
They may have to revoke it from NY after Gov. Paterson called it
“Race To The C*ck.”
Governor Paterson Did Not Intend to Imply That President Obama Created a Penis-Centric Education Challenge
LA and CO probably didnt deserve money. And neither did Tennessee. And some other states. If you are not going to FUND educaiton, you should not get rewarded for that under-funding.