Friday Guest Fish Porn: Name That Fish!

Guest post by Jim Ryan

Finally, what you’ve all been waiting for.

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All three fish were caught and released recently in Essex, Mass.  The first is a striped bass (or “stripah,” as they say up here), and the second is a blue fish (or “blue fish,” as they say up here).  (Technical details for those who fish:  9 wt. fly rod using a 2/0 Monomoy Flatwing.  Great fly.)   I have no idea what the third fish is; we found it in our lobster trap.  Any ideas?

If you want to see more, you really need to check out my new book.  Ok, that’s not technically true.  The book jacket has my photo, but you can’t see my hand.  Or any fish.

Thanks to Andy, again, to Sara Mead, and to all of you for letting me invade this blog for a week.  Now back to your regularly scheduled program.

3 Replies to “Friday Guest Fish Porn: Name That Fish!”

  1. Yes, triggerfish – looks like it is related to the Humuhumunukunukuapua’a, Hawaiian name for the reef trigger fish. One of the longest words in the Hawaiian language.

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