One-Stop HCZ

Save yourself some time and read Sara Mead’s take on the Brookings report.  While you’re there she also has the results of the Social Innovation Fund competition.

2 Replies to “One-Stop HCZ”

  1. sara’s post is good but the real action on the brookings study is at jay mathews and valerie straus’s washington post blogs, or at my site —

    here’s a guest commentary from helen zelon, the writer who wrote an in depth look at the zone for city limits – perhaps the first deep look at how the parts fit together

    and here’s a much lighter response i wrote to jay mathews’ knee jerk defense of the zone (which can defend itself just fine on its own)

    thought you or your readers might be interested
    / alexander

  2. The real danger here is that billions of dollars in tax money and private contributions might go to health and social services for children instead of to adults who stand to gain as charter managers and educational entrepreneurs.

    “Community, social and family services” may or may not be responsible for the success of children in the Harlem charters, but you can be darn sure those factors are critical for your children and for mine.

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