Education Pioneers is already succeeding at their core mission of bringing talent into the education field through summer fellowships for highly promising talent from graduate and professional schools. I’m on their DC-area board but they operate in six other cities around the country and are growing.
They’re also launching a new initiative (being piloted this year in the San Francisco Bay Area), the Analyst Fellowship Program. EP will recruit top analysts from the private sector for a 10 month fellowship with a leading education organization (school district, charter management organization, education nonprofit). The Analyst Fellows will provide these organizations with the analytic talent they need to make data-driven decisions to forward their mission. The program is designed with the career path of young professionals in mind and provides them with introductory exposure and access to successful leaders, organizations, and reform initiatives in urban education. Ultimately, the goal is to increase the capacity needed to improve data practices in the education sector.
The new program launches at the end of August in the Bay Area. Education Pioneers has just reopened their application process because several organizations keep banging on their door for more analyst capacity – including Bellwether.
Know anyone who would be a great fit for this program? Tell them about it soon. They’re only accepting resumes through July 16th. Click here to go straight to the application.
Thanks for the information you have provided. Your article really helped me in completing my studies. I hope that my study is completed quickly lead
Thanks for informing us about the fellowship program and job posting.