Now We Return To Your Regularly Scheduled Programming…

A few days ago we looked at Florida’s pretty strong Race to the Top application and in particular its language requiring adults to actually put the interests of kids first in order to get the money.  

Now along comes Stephen Sawchuk to point out that in most states the language basically is going to say, ‘if you can agree, great, otherwise continue to squabble amongst yourselves or do whatever you want…’ Let’s hope the process doesn’t reward that because it’s where reform goes to die.

One Reply to “Now We Return To Your Regularly Scheduled Programming…”

  1. I agree. I also hope that these states are not rewarded albeit for different reasons. It will be a better fight to see if numerous states refuse to sell out their workers and actually stand against Arne and the feds.

    I would think that ed reformers would want to see these types of state applicants get in, though. By bringing the bargaining states into the fray you will be allowed to play reform on the smaller districts in these states and eventually bring most of them under your wing one by one. The large urbans will be marginalized and left alone as pariahs, the NRA of the left. Ed reformers cannot accept these ends, though. Your eyes are constantly on the prize of the urbans.

    Arne doesn’t really want to send the money to some American Enterprise Institute toady running a charter school in Englewood, Colorado. He reallys wants to force change in Oakland and Baltimore. We are going to have an interesting few months ahead of us. A huge fight in the street is about to begin under the facade of money (it is a pittance). The real battle is about values. Ding. Ding.

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