Dispatches from Charlottesville

Albemarle Public Schools in Virginia are hosting the Edustat University this year.   500 registrations, 700 people showed up on Monday morning…isn’t it usually the opposite?  You can follow along online, chat, tweet, watch and so forth…A surprising amount of buzz about what’s happening in Washington (Race to the Top, innovation, etc…) given that the attendees are mostly local educators.   Most popular guy there:  Consultant David DeSchryver because he knows where the federal money is…

2 Replies to “Dispatches from Charlottesville”

  1. Has anyone enrolled their children in the brain training program
    Learning Rx in Charlottesville at http://www.learningrx.com/charlottesville ?Friends of mine used the program over the summer and loved it because it really helped their kids learn to read. They suggested I give it a try now that my son is back in school because he is a little behind in the reading department.

  2. Kids from our neighborhood completed the program at Charlottesville Learning Rx this summer and were very pleased with the results. I’ve heard it’s great support for cognitive development.

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