Winning In Boston?

No…not this, though it’s nice.  But rather this positive Mayor Menino shift on charter schools in Boston.   Impossible to know the exact cause but suspects are (a) politics, the voters want change in the schools (b) frustration with the teachers’ union there and the constant chorus of “no” (c) a desire to innovate more or (d) the dark horse, is Arne Duncan’s regular hammering away on this having an effect on how the issue is perceived by Democrats?  Clinton’s support during the 1990s helped and is Duncan providing cover now and moving the debate? 

Update:  More from Globe columnist Scott Leigh.   I forgot to mention the recent study on Boston charters in my list of suspects, he does.

3 Replies to “Winning In Boston?”

  1. Yes to “b” – frustrated specifically at being one of few public unions to not agree with Mayor on pay freeze. Payback.

    Yes to “d” – no question.

    Don’t forget “e” – read the fine print. The Mayor is not promising to support charters. Instead, proposing what he already has more or less has – the right to deal with his failing schools, and calling that “charter.”

    In a separate interview, the superintendent clarifies that she and the Mayor plan to continue to oppose existing charters, let alone growth, but that he hopes USDOE will “count” his thing as being pro-charter.

    Some here speculate he’s brilliantly stalled action until July 2010 when mayoral election is long over, everything has simmered down; meanwhile, takes all the wind out of charter debate from his two opponents.

  2. As teacher and former Bostonian, I am always interested in what goes on in the city. The Boston Public Schools have been declining for years, and the city does not have the money to fix the problems. I agree with Mennino that they should allow charter schools to exist, but I do not think that they should be under the umbrella of a mayorial committee, and the city school dept. They need to be independent to be effective.

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