Barr The Door!

It’s no secret that Steve Barr is pretty popular around these parts.   So The New Yorker story on his education efforts in LA was welcome and it was a great piece as well.   But Gary Coleman should clearly play him in the movie.  While I’m doing a casting call, here’s a free edutip:  Journos feeling late to this story should not despair.  Consider writing about Mike Piscal or Don Shalvey or for a real unknown star with an interesting story James Willcox… and that’s just in California…there is a lot of great stuff out there… 

Also in the mags, TNR’s Darby isn’t buying the excess pool in New York City.  Joel Klein’s recent policy change is creating a very high stakes game of chicken with the excess pool, keep an eye on that…Meanwhile, this excess pool leak is significant on a few levels…

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