Hess: Don’t fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way

Sure, it’s not Weingarten – Moskowitz…but MA time entrepreneur and enthusiast Chris Gabrielli and professional killjoy Rick Hess debate the time issue over at USN.  ES’ Elena Silva’s third way take on time here (pdf).

2 Replies to “Hess: Don’t fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way”

  1. Why do you call Hess a killjoy? Hess isn’t negative. He makes his points and defends them (better than Gabrielli, IMHO). Perhaps the word “realist” would apply better?

  2. Lost in this time debate seems to be any consideration of non-academic benefits of longer school days – namely, keeping students out of harm’s way in the after school hours. The academic benefits are certainly worth primary consideration, but the secondary benefits should not be ignored.

    If, for example, a failing school could extend its school day despite the fact that it could not make productive instructional use of the time, there would still be compelling safety reasons to do it.

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