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Smart List: 60 People Shaping the Future of K-12 Education
Smart Kids Act
With a hat-tip to the late Paul Goodman, my submission is:
The Compulsory Mis-Education Act
It is astonishing to re-read Goodman’s little 1962 book “Compulsory Mis-Education” today (and scandalous that it is out-of-print).
Suggested new name for NCLB: Every Child Learning Act
Goals 2000
My suggestion: Success For All Children Act
But then act must be amended to make the whole community responsible for “pitching in” to make this happen. The schools can’t do it alone. The purpose of all standards, tests, and “consequences” must be to ensure that all children succeed in their education, not to “weed out the losers,” or to test for the sake of testing. See my commentary in Feb 25, 2009 Ed Week.
First United Care for Kids Act
The American Educational Dream Act (AEDA)
The idea of the American Dream has been defined in various ways, but in order to obtain the American Dream education is an essential element.
Focus would have tp change from back to basics and realize
NCBL: No Child’s Behind Left Act
The Elementary and Secondary Educational Excellence Act
The Comprehensive Educational Excellence Act
I”m So Bored I'[m Going to Die Act
The Emperor’s New Clothes Act
Students’ Higher Intelligence Test
Drop kick me jesus through the goal posts of life….act
Actually, I like the I am so bored I am going to die act better…
The No More Stupid Future Presidents Act
I mean, I hope that is our ultimate goal in this legislation. :-/
You Suck, You’re Stuck
1. Spend the Money Wisely Act
2. Help Educators Learn Patience (HELP)
(Its taking a long time to reform American education)
3. Core Standards for Excellence (CSEA)
(In the hope that the current effort at the state level will continue to grow)
Three new titles. The first because Obama has just given educators an enormous windfall. The second speaks for itself. The third anticipates a set of core standards bubbling up from the states sometime in the future.
I think the ‘No Child Left Behind Act’ should be changed to
the ‘A Chance for Every Child Act’. Every child deserves a quality
education which increases their chances of succeeding in life.
No Excuses
My suggestion is:
The Refusal to Leave Politics Behind Act, alternately known as the American Children’s Reward for Arbitrary Partisanship Act (ACRAP Act).
Also, I propose and additional bill which would stimulate educator competence. This is based on the submission posted above:
Help Educators Literally Learn Act (HELL)
Why the cynicism you ask? I am merely poking fun at a seemingly ridiculous premise. After all, we should all know now understand, from the sagely words of President Obama, that even with a fresh coat of lipstick, a pig (or alternately a renamed federal education bill) is still a pig.
Bulding Up Loudmouth Lazy Students (and) Helping Indoctrinate Them Act
The acronym says it all…..
No Child Right Behind
As If We Care About Education Act
Depending on the actual bill:
“The Empire Strikes Back”
“Return of the Jedi”
Youth of the 21st Century Act. or
Youth Act.
We speak of a child or several children. We are speaking of our
youth. The word youth, takes into consideration the wide range of ages we teach. Which would also include young adults.
^ (The Act formerly known as NCLB)
And some edu-literary contributions:
The Money and Good Intentions are Not Enough Act
The Work Hard. Be Nice Act
The Rising Tide of Mediocrity Act
But clearly, there’s only one serious answer: The Reinventing Public Education Act!
No Child Gets Ahead Act–that’s how it’s working in Louisiana
Straw Men Smoke Red Herrings act
[banksters behind the curtain]