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Smart List: 60 People Shaping the Future of K-12 Education
I agree. As it is now, it can even be cheaper for kids to study abroad than to stay in the States to get the education they need for a secure life in the future.
I agree. As far as Hispanics are concerned, we first need to help students stay at school, make sure schools are offering quality curricula-even or more so, at urban schools where poor kids and minorities attend; help my fellow Hispanics see the value of staying in school, graduate from high school, and then they will be motivated to get into college. But you have a great point; maybe that way we can decrease dropout rates among Hispanics.
Excellent point, the knowledge of its citizen is the knowledge of the nation.
I think there is no such thing as security for each and every student. Most curricula are made wide to provide students greater margin for getting a job in a few fields. However, jobs nowadays also requires mastery and competence in very specific fields that makes graduates less qualified. When giving a student highly specialized curricula, he should fit and qualify for these jobs if they are still there after they graduate.
Generally, unemployment is a good issue to raise in media to discredit government for one and for whatever reasons. The fact is there are so many companies that are in need of workers however unfortunately rarely if any would meet the desired qualifications. There are also millions who desires a job but does not math the qualification if any. Companies are continually searching for talented and competent staff to be competitive in the business, not just any staff.
From Jenny of online real estate continuing education
You raise some interesting questions in your Education and Economy posting. First, there currently isn’t enough space in colleges for every single high school graduate. Second, 4-year colleges are prohibitively expensive for many students and only becoming more so. Lastly, many kids enter high school lacking the skills to succeed in college preparatory classes. These students come disproportionately from lower income families. Here is where education and the economy truly intersect. Help poor and working class families economically and we will start to see huge improvements in academic achievement