TNTP Impact And Implications

Some new information on teachers coming through The New Teacher Project’s training routes in Louisiana.   The New York Times editorial board likes it!  Allowing non-profit groups like this with high-quality programs to certify teachers alongside — and, yes, in competition with — traditional providers like schools of education is one step toward fixing education’s human capital problem.   The federal government can help here when the Elementary and Secondary Education Act is renewed in the next few years by revamping the Title II program (pdf).

One Reply to “TNTP Impact And Implications”

  1. Before you become too enthusiastic about Teach for America and New Teacher project, conisider these things.
    1. These programs tend to attract people not looking to make a career out of teahing and only teach for less than 5 years.
    2. Louisiana, especially New Orleans is not a good example for two reasons
    a. Many of the lowest students left after Katrina
    b. The schools in Louisiana in general and NO in particular were so bad any change would have brought positive results.
    I am familiar with this because I was hired in New Orleans by a similar program. I was flooded out and am now in Calif. The real need was for better working conditions. Without that, few of these teachers will stick aroung and you will see little improvement over the long run.

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