Don’t believe the hype, if you took the over on outgoing LA school superintendent David Brewer that was the right call, he lasted longer than most predicted. I recall that at the six month or so point when he established a transition team one wag asked whether it was a transition in or out.
Now everyone wants to know who the next lamb to slaughter will be because almost no one with the ability to really turn the district around is going to take the job under the current arrangements. LA Times columnist Bob Sipchen floats Steve Barr’s name. But Barr, the founder of Green Dot Public Schools, is too smart and savvy to take job if he has to report to the board.*
So, perhaps it’s time for the state to get more involved than it is now so that the next person has some political and operational room to maneuver in order to make the system work better for the students it purportedly serves? Perhaps then it could be set up to entice someone like Barr or Alan Bersin to take it on.
Yeah, that’s all the problem needs, more state power. Chant it:
State Power! State Power! State Power! ….(now, please, in 1933 German)
“How fine the world would be if the State were free to cure all ills! It is one step only from such a mentality to the perfect totalitarianism of Stalin and Hitler.” Ludwig von Mises