Comedy Central on Dept of Ed: Out of Touch

From David Alan Grier’s new Comedy Central show, “Chocolate News,” what looks like a spoof on the $240,000 Armstrong Williams-Department of Ed contract — except instead of Armstrong Williams, the department pays a grill-faced rapper named Phat Man to tout No Child Left Behind. My favorite part is the made-up DOE bureaucrat, Larry Crawford. Here’s the sketch, and an excerpt:

Crawford: We were looking for PSA’s that would get the urban community positively involved with this federal mandate. Naturally Phat Man was the perfect choice.

Interviewer: Had you ever heard Phat man’s music before?

Crawford: I had not.

This is also a good opportunity for me to tout a music video made by the staff at CIS 339, a middle school in the Bronx that I visited recently. The staff made the video for their graduating eighth-graders, and you can watch it here. They are way cooler than Larry Crawford.

~ Guest blogger Elizabeth Green

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