Friday Fish Porn: Conservative Edition

palin fishTwo from the right for today.  First, a reader sends along this picture of Alaska Governor/VP nominee Palin with a nice salmon.  Clearly she and “First Dude” Todd Palin know their way around the working ends of rods and guns.   That’s why I’m interested in where the two of them come down on questions like the proposed Pebble Mine near Alaska’s Bristol Bay, a place where Todd Palin apparently spends time fishing.  It’s one of the world’s great salmon fisheries and this mine, which even Alaska Senator Ted Stevens is skeptical of, would likely put the resource at risk.   Best I can tell Palin hasn’t come down firmly one way or the other but it should be a no-brainer for Republicans claiming to be in the Teddy Roosevelt tradition.  Based on the track records of the industries involved and the scale of the project, this is a bigger deal than the press-grabbing ANWR.

Below is a photo of Fordham Foundation’s Liam Julian, who apparently also can use a rod, with an Amberjack he caught in the Gulf earlier this year. 

 liam fish

One Reply to “Friday Fish Porn: Conservative Edition”

  1. That’s why I’m interested in where the two of them come down on questions like the proposed Pebble Mine near Alaska’s Bristol Bay, a place where Todd Palin apparently spends time fishing. It’s one of the world’s great salmon fisheries and this mine, which even Alaska Senator Ted Stevens is skeptical of, would likely put the resource at risk. Best I can tell Palin hasn’t come down firmly one way or the other but it should be a no-brainer for Republicans claiming to be in the Teddy Roosevelt tradition.

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