
Here’s a hot edujob:  New Schools Venture Fund is looking for a D.C. partner.  And Advance Illinois wants a Director of Outreach.  And if you want a great internship in the D.C. Public Schools, email Susan Cheng.

One Reply to “Edujobs”

  1. I fhave been an Obama supporter from the beginning but if he and the Democratic Party are to have anything significant to say about urban education they are going to hve to break the unwholesome alliance with the teachers unions- not easy to do. However Black leaders like Femty and Corey Booker are showing the way . Obama and the party should follow.Actually some of Obama’s points – charter schools are mentioned- will not please the unions. Others are just boiler plate. Incidentally, college admission should be on the basis of merit. A prospectiive student must demonstrate preparedness- and please- no nonsense about life experience, etc.

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