Final Jeopardy fish porn clue:

Here is our mystery education biggie, warily watching out for Rod, er, the shark. The first reader who can (a) ID this mystery man and (b) explain why Rod Paige might wish him ill, wins the Eduwonk-fast-on-the-draw prize.  

Please list answers in the comments.  

–Guest blogger Richard Whitmire  

5 Replies to “Final Jeopardy fish porn clue:”

  1. This is clearly the erudite, silver-haired, and well-toned body of John Merrow, he of Education Matters and Education Writers Association (EWA) Fame.

    Why would Rod Paige be mad at him? It all goes back to 2005 and the EWA annual meeting in San Francisco. As usual, Merrow served as MC of the high-jinks-filled Education Jeopardy contest, where edu-nerds (myself included) compete vociferously to best each other in knowledge of edu-trivia. Merrow draws up the questions and that year he regaled the crowd with an extended and, it must be said, rather mocking query about Paige’s Ph.D. thesis on reaction times of football linemen. The entire incident was first reported by the Washington Whispers column of U.S. News & World Report. I worked there at the time but insist I was neither the author nor the source!

  2. Wrong!

    It is Andy Warhol. Rod Paige says he invented the varied-colored soup cans and “that Q-tip stole my idea and made a fortune” so he turned to a life a education.

    In case you were curious, Warhol is still alive, but he lives underwater with Elvis and Hoffa. It is a long story, but man are their hands pruned!

  3. Ben got the name right, and the white hair. Not sure about ‘erudite” (I make up most of the answers to the Jeopardy questions–does that make me erudite?). I wish ‘well-toned’ applied, but, trust me, those diving suits hide all sorts of sins and defects.

    I nominate Ben for the soon-to-be-vacant job of Education Jeopardy host!

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