Awkward Timing for Dems…

I mean, here’s Barack Obama, a strong believer in paying better teachers a better wage, arriving in Denver for the convention amidst this. As Time’s Kathleen Kingsbury reports, ” … if the two sides can’t resolve their differences in mediation talks, scheduled to begin Wednesday, the teachers have threatened a possible strike next week – just as thousands of Democratic Convention attendees begin to arrive in the city.”

Here, Mr. Eduwonk (the fish stopped biting) and Robert Gordon lay out the positives behind ProComp in the Rocky Mountain News. And here, the Rocky Mountain News reporters update with the latest.

–Guest blogger Richard Whitmire

One Reply to “Awkward Timing for Dems…”

  1. I know it sounds like I idolize the late Bill Strauss, his wisdom is appropriate for so many topics. As he explained, we Baby Boomers have a responsibility to protect educational values, but we must acknowledge that the younger generation will demand more market-driven approaches. If we can’t work with honorable patrtners like Bennet and Brad Jupp, then we will be battling Rhee et. al. for the reast of our careers, and we will all lose.

    Similarly, we can’t undercut Obama. I’d compromise with many or most EEP advocates in order to get an Obama-led Education Dept.

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