And the winner of the fish porn guessing game is…

Mystery Man John MerrowBen Wildavsky of former U.S. News fame, now at the Kauffman Foundation, who correctly identified both John Merrow (pictured left, of PBS and Learning Matters fame) and answered why Rod Paige never invites Merrow out for a little golfing fun (see Ben’s full response in comments). Ok, Ben had some advantages. He was in the audience when  Merrow repeatedly quoted from Rod Paige’s Ph.D thesis on the fluid mechanics of football linemen. Word of that spoofing leaked out and landed in U.S. News. To this day, Wildavsky insists he was not the squealer–but we have our doubts!

BTW, if you have not tapped into Merrow’s recent camera work on school reforms in Washington DC and New Orleans, you should. It’s found here.

Winner Wildavsky gets my Eduwonk-quick-on-the-draw award and an Eduwonk baseball cap (Andy, is there such a thing?)

–Guestblogger Richard Whitmire

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