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"a daily dose of information from the education policy world, blended with a shot of attitude and a dash of humor"
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"don't hate Eduwonk cuz it's so good"
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-- Mike Antonucci, Intercepts
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-- Mike Petrilli, Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
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Smart List: 60 People Shaping the Future of K-12 Education
Preparing to search beaches for summer school truants
Dear Mom,
Just sent Jimmy to swim with the fishes. It’s a beautiful day out, wish you were here.
Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. Shoot the fish with an automatic rifle while blogging about it, and you’re using multiple learning modalities while integrating technology.
Too late, Chancellor Rhee learned that the Washington Teachers Union had its own Marine detachment.
D.C. Schools officials prepare to pepper 825 N. Capitol St with long-range automatic weapons fire from Chancellor Michelle Rhee’s new attack Zodiac. The craft was purchased with savings garnered from lay-offs of dead-wood bureaucrats.
They told me and Tubbs we were restricted to textbook distribution duty. They didn’t tell us how we had do it!
Cohen. Justin Cohen.
Dropout or cop-out? Not with Cohen in Charge!
Miami Vice III – After wrapping up another major bust, Crockett turns his thoughts to the two things that keep him going: chicks and charter schools.
It’s a two-pronged approach: for positive reinforcement, we’re instating a merit bonus system. To discourage chronic poor performance…
JCC shows off the big guns in his Project SAVE photo op.
1) Taking the big guns to this week’s DCPS performance pay negotiations
2) DCPS: Under the gun. A really big gun.
3) With the lift of the gun ban, DCPS can finally get down to business
A bolder, broader approach.
My approach to Portfolio Management: Make them an offer they can’t refuse!
“It’s the politics of contraband, it’s the smuggler’s blues.”
Instead of a free lunch, how about breakfast at Perley’s….
Dear Mr. Rotherham:
It has come to our attention that you are in possession of some photos or a recent military maneuver that I cannot discuss. Suffice it to say, I need you to do your patriotic duty and take that picture off the Internets before it emboldens our enemies.
Needless to say, Dick Cheney and Margaret Spellings know nothing about this in spite of the fact that you can see both of them reflected in Mr. Cohen’s sunglasses.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter.
President George W. Bush
The Decider
Caption options:
1) Say hello to my little friend, competition in public education
2) The carrot or the stick: You decide
3) As a DC public official, my message to SCOTUS, ” if we can beat them, join them!”
4) Great schools: By any means necessary
Think NCLB has problems? I know how to fix it!
Are you excited about the DC-CAS scores, or are you just happy to see me?
Another of Sen. Kerry’s “fast boats”?
Used car salesman caught posing as student in D.C. Schools’ inaugural semester-at-sea program. Repeated references to a “Good-as-new 2DR ’92 Lebaron $1200 o.b.o.” in essays tips off program administrators.
You look like a douchebag, Justin.
Where’s the Bluetooh?
Justin Cohen: Taking violence out of schools… and into the harbor!
Secretary Colbert said to bomb low-performing schools, but under our differentiated intervention pilot program we strafe them the first time they mess up, and save the bombing part for later.
DCPS expects each person to do their duty.
A native of South Jersey, Cohen is determined that this not happen to a DC public school. Not on his watch.
My jaunty, jolly great (ha ha) nephew:)
Randi, did you just ask me if I had my tickets to the show? And then you were going to roll up your sleeves and show me your “big guns.” Yea, that’s funny.
Being the “Big Gun” of DC Public Schools- $140,000
Sports Jacket from Kohls-$85
Really cool glasses from the Sunglass Hut-$40
Being Board by the coast guard, photographed and being called a drug trafficker or fugitive while being plastered all over the internet-PRICELESS!
Caption to Avoid: Mission Accomplished
In 2028 this photo will come to haunt presidential candidate Justin Cohen.
Growing increasingly tired of all the trash talk coming from those rappers rapping bout how hard they hold down their hoods, Justin decided to show the world that Yatchees can be gangster, too.
Ensuring Safe Harbors for DCPS
Ensuring “Safe Harbors” for DCPS
(NCLB School Choice Provision, for those of you who are not regular Eduwonks!)
These extra features on the “Munich” DVD are really lame. This collector’s edition is a rip-off.
1.) School accountability contingency plan #43b. Justin case.
2.) Think this staff retreat is intense? You should see Chancellor Rhee’s team in action at 825.
3.) Revolutionizing DCPS. Justin time.
Preparing students for the 21st century skills they need to get ahead.
What evidence has poster or Justin Cohen given that he is very talented?
Mr.Cohen has appeared often and lamely, to explain his DCPS employment. So far Justin Cohen and “Portfolio Management” so far, are to education what Pons and Fleischmann were to unlimited energy. (See “Bad Science: The Short Life and Weird Times of Cold Fusion” by Gary Taubes.) Pons and Fleischmann were well trained scientists; Fleischmann had had a brilliant career. Justin Cohen?
Core Knowledge taking on a new look.
What discipline problems in the D.C. School System? Go ahead, make my day.
Always loved a Jewish boy with a BIG GUN! (I only feel a little creepy writing that & no I’m not his mother)
The heck with the DC schools’ portfolio, I’m going to Wall Street to save MY portfolio!
Come on. Any kid in this country that gets a K-12 education, does it on their own. Name the law for what we actually do in school, “Test America.”
Got Gun?
Justin Cohen, Director of the Office of Portfolio Management for D.C. Public Schools by day, fearless crime fighter by night. Do not fear citizens of D.C., JC is protecting your children and your streets!
Weapons of Mass Insight