Student Essay: "I AM"

Below is an excerpt from an essay written by Dale Scott who attended our workshop at the University of Denver.* You can read his full essay and others we’ll be featuring at In Their Own Words: Ten Outstanding Student Essays.

I am a thief, stealing naturally from stores, homes and people with no remorse. I walk down lower Colfax Avenue and sell drugs to others, mainly young teenagers who I have lured from successful lives. I own a gun which I carry at all times and I wouldn’t think twice of taking the life of another. I wear an angry face which gives warning that I may snap at anytime. I am naturally inclined to do so. I can’t speak proper English and am not capable of succeeding in accelerated classes in high-school. I listen to music that speaks only of needless bloodshed, sex, drugs, and consumption of human flesh–a lifestyle of fancy cars and expensive clothing. I am everywhere.

I know who I am, and I am not the stereo-type you just read!

I am a thief stealing knowledge from books, teachers, the minds of others and any other place where knowledge is present. I walk down lower Colfax attending my church, volunteering and appreciating my city. I own my mind, body, opinions, responsibilities, weaknesses and short-comings. I wouldn’t think twice about helping another along the way. I wear a pleasant smile which shows love, care and the readiness to commit good deeds at anytime. I am naturally inclined to do so. I speak proper English and even Spanish at times, and I do quite well in accelerated classes in high school. I am an open person and listen to music of all kinds, from all kinds of places. I am everywhere.

*As I mentioned yesterday, during our week here, we’ll conclude each day with an excerpt from a student’s college admission essay that he or she developed at one of College Summit’s annual summer workshops. In addition to jump starting these students’ college application process, the workshops are where influential students are trained to carry the message of college preparation back to students as peer leaders.

–Guestblogger J.B. Schramm

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