
Social Networking sites are hot. Better yet, in some cases useful, too! Now education has its own: LinkEd.

Started by Anna Markowitz & Rachel Beard, who both, naturally, have ties to Teach for America…LinkEd is pitched at parents, educators, and organizations and offers resources and increasingly tools for all segments of the education sector. They’re starting in New York City, but are poised to expand to multiple markets around the country. It’s the sort of project that will have a lot of people scratching their heads saying, “why didn’t I think of that?” But they did, and they’re making it work. Check it out.

And, if you’re in NYC, they are having a launch party Friday, Feb. 1, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. at Proof Bar & Lounge 239 3rd Ave (b/t 19th & 20th). Stop by.

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