On his blog, Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling outlines some of his criteria for places he’d play ball next year:
The list of teams that our family has talked over, that we think would be a fit for next year, should we not come back, are pretty much teams in cities we agree would be ok for our last year, and teams I think have a legitimate shot at being in the post season and/or World Series. Teams we didn’t include aren’t for any one reason. There are a million little things that go into this from stadiums to school districts to travel to spring training to etc. etc. etc. but the list represents the teams after Boston that have some of the off the field things that are big to us, plus the potential to go into October next year.
I hope he stays in Boston, and some good schooling options there, and am glad he took the Yankees off the list, even with that Broad Prize thing and all…but I’m not sure how rigorous his schooling criteria can be if he left St. Louis, LA, and Philly on….though perhaps with LA there is a Schilling Animo in our future? Anyway someone introduce Curt to Schoolmatters.com or Greatschools.net and fast!
You gotta love it when Boston gets the Broad prize with a special education population over 20% and New York wins with one of the largest bureaucracies on the planet. Seems like the Broad prize is now about plans (come up with a half-assed plan and a power point and sell it to education wonks and philanthropists and win big prize!) and people (high profile folks like Payzant etc.) not real progress. By the way, Curt Schilling does not believe in evolution. Don’t think he’ll be sending any kids to the godless public schools.
His kids go to public schools now
His kids go to public schools now
in Medfield, which has a very good school system.
Someone like Schilling can find a good school (whatever that means) – public or private – in any large metro area in the country.
This comment shows a lack of understanding of the way St. Louis is set up. Sure the city schools…um…suck, but the county is made up of 23 separate school districts of varying quality, mostly high quality and some outstanding. It might not be equitable, but a person can’t assume a lack of quality education based on the city’s problems.
Looking up a city in a database look SchoolMatters isn’t necessarily the best way to find quality schools. It’s just one tool. Talking to people who live there is more effective.
There are great schools everywhere. It all depends on what you want for your children. I agree that the quality of education cant be based on the city’s problems.