Two weeks ago, Eduwonk touted the Obama and HRC comments to the NEA convention.
The Gates/Broad Foundation $60 million “Ed-in-08” Posse wasn’t too impressed with the diluted praise of merit pay and charter schools, respectively.
The focus on early childhood and college affordability will not be successful unless America’s leaders ensure all students learn the skills they need to succeed in college, work and life and that happens during the crucial years, from kindergarten through twelfth grade.
(Memo: Press releases get more play when they’re, you know, edgy and quotable. Paging Eduflack. How about: While some schools have adopted a ban on Coke and Pepsi, we hadn’t realized that it extends to presidential campaigns, too. Obama, Clinton earn “Zzz/Incomplete” on their sleepy Ed Reform plans.)
Anyway, some breaking news for Melinda, Edythe, and the rest of you hoping for PrezEd: John Edwards is stepping up, and his ambition is epic!
-Guestblogger Mike Goldstein
P.S. Update from Craig at Ed-in-08: Our wrap-up observations can be found on the Huffington Post where our executive director Marc Lampkin guest blogs, and on Governor Romer’s blog. If you’re looking for something more “edgy and quotable” I suggest you give them a read.
He’s right. For example, can’t get much more edgy than: Candidates’ “overall performance rated an F.”