While we’re piling on the NEA on this snowy Wednesday, this lobbying letter from NEA is a keeper:
“DEAR SENATOR ALEXANDER: …we urge you to vote NO on … An amendment to be offered by Senator Alexander (R-TN) that would provide $99 million for the Teacher Incentive Fund”
Worth asking, where is the AFT on this? They claim to like the Teacher Incentive Fund and to be tired of being lumped in with the NEA, now’s a good chance to show up on both…
Incidentally, the Alexander Amendment enjoys bipartisan support. But what was once an approps gimmick to free up some money has turned into an NEA-sponsored run at differentiated pay…obviously, readers know which Senators to watch…
Update: The AFTies respond. Sure sounds like wanting to have it both ways…I wasn’t going to point this out but it’s completely ludicrous to say that a competitive grant program where localities can apply (or not…) to participate constitutes having something “thrust upon” anyone. Please. I ache.