What a day to guestuwonk — Dillon leads the NYT with a piece on the lack of progress in closing gaps under NCLB. You don’t know me yet, but trust me, this is a must read, even before you catch up on the weekend TomKat nuptials (ugh!).
My thoughts shortly, but first a word of intro. My name is Jal Mehta. I am co-director of New Vision: an institute for policy and progress, a small but growing think tank that connects university-based academics with Washington policymakers around domestic social and economic policy. I also have recently completed a dissertation tracing the rise of the standards and accountability movement. I just graduated from a Ph.D. program in Sociology and Social Policy at Harvard, and now am teaching and post-docing there at the Graduate School of Education. While I don’t always agree with Eduwonk, I have learned as much from this site as from any other single source, and hope to repay a bit of that over the next few days.