
Turnaround: Public Impact produced a timely, useful, and interesting guide (pdf) to school restructuring under No Child Left Behind published by LPA*. Ignore the misleading cover photo, I’ve never seen people that excited about reconstituting a school…otherwise it’s pretty spot-on. More materials from Public Impact on the issue here.

Philosopher King: A lot of people were buzzing about NYC school chief Joel Klein’s presentation/discussion at the Broad Prize this year, courtesy of the Learning Matters, you can listen to it/read it here.

Frugal: This is an interesting idea, the Toledo Public Schools are a little short on cash so a local citizen has created a website to generate money-saving ideas. Some are sorta off, but some have some promise. Leave aside the specifics, what’s hard to miss here is how technology empowers people and makes them feel and act like stakeholders more than in the past. That’s got big implications for school systems going forward.

*I’ve consulted for them in the past.

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