More Reading First!

Two new stories from the dogged Title I Monitor stories about the Reading First controversy just out here and here. Quick reax: (1) Not sure the conflict of interest stuff with Doherty’s wife is a big deal, especially because he didn’t try to hide it and did initially disclose it, but that’s going to get tongues wagging all over again. (2) The stuff on the early assessment report is just more evidence of the sloppiness that characterized this administration’s ed efforts in the early going. (3) The Houston – Austin gloves are really off (4) I still think mistakes were made but want to see the other Office of Inspector General reports…some of this sounds worse than it probably was in practice (5) Great that they interviewed Chris Doherty but I’d like to see a full interview with him, q’s and a’s about all this to hear his side, can someone do that?

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