Like everyone else I’m reading this new Inspector General Report on Reading First (pdf)…wow. It goes downhill from the excerpt below. And don’t miss the emails, they don’t learn! For instance:
Beat the [expletive deleted] out of them in a way that will stand up to any level of legal and [whole language] apologist scrutiny. Hit them over and over with definitive evidence that they are not SBRR, never have been and never will be. They are trying to crash our party and we need to beat the [expletive deleted] out of them in front of all the other would-be party crashers who are standing on the front lawn waiting to see how we welcome these dirtbags.
Title I Monitor is all over it here. Quick reax: First, this is going to walk on the message the Secretary was hoping to get out next week in her big speech. Second, harder to argue that Jack Jennings is in the tank for Democrats now, here is his recent evaluation praising Reading First! Finally, politically, this could set the issue of good reading instruction back a good bit, and that’s seriously a real shame.
From the IG Report:
Specifically, we found that the Department:
• Developed an application package that obscured the requirements of the statute;• Took action with respect to the expert review panel process that was contrary to thebalanced panel composition envisioned by Congress;• Intervened to release an assessment review document without the permission of the entity that contracted for its development;• Intervened to influence a State’s selection of reading programs; and• Intervened to influence reading programs being used by local educational agencies(LEAs) after the application process was completed.
These actions demonstrate that the program officials failed to maintain a control environment that exemplifies management integrity and accountability.
Fall guy: Chris Doherty.
From: Simon, Ray
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 10:56 AM
To: All Exchange Users
Subject: ODS Personnel Announcement
After almost 5 years with the department, Chris Doherty intends to return to the private sector, effective October 1. Chris has been a valuable asset to my team and to the department during his tenure here. The children of America are fortunate to have had such a tireless champion. His intelligence, counsel, wit and friendship will be immeasurably missed.
Wendy Tada has agreed to serve as the new Chief of Staff to the Deputy Secretary. Wendy will join ODS from OVAE where she is currently serving as Chief of Staff. Previously, she worked in OSERS and was instrumental in developing the IDEA regulations. Her distinguished career in the education field also includes positions as school physical therapist, assistant professor, and education research analyst.
Please join me in congratulating Chris on his new opportunity and welcoming Wendy to the ODS team.
Raymond Simon Deputy Secretary U.S. Department of Education