They keep telling me there is no issue here, but then I read stories like this: Tenure helps good teachers and shelters the bad ones.
Two things jump out here. First, while “tenure” is an issue, it’s not as though school districts in states with fewer rules are somehow models of good human resources and sensitivity to talent. The more core problem is that education — regardless of the specific labor context — is simply not very sensitive to talent right now. That’s cultural, institutional, and a function of policy and it’s a much bigger issue than work rules alone. Second, as a general rule, the same teachers that get headlines like these are ones reformist union leaders would like to see gone, too. Consequently, seems like there are some deals to be cut in some places. The joke is that all teachers favor having classes with three fewer students — especially if they get to choose the three. Some union leaders would be OK with a few fewer if the deal is structured with an eye toward the right few…
That’s an opportunity for a grand bargain in some locales…