Latest "F" Words in Eduspeak

Flip-flex, n., policy of allowing states and/or school districts to reverse or “flip” the order of students’ school transfer and tutoring rights explicitly and unequivocally set out by Congress in a law called “No Child Left Behind.” — Syn. capitulation, e.g. to educrats who resist tough challenge of providing more seats in successful schools. — Ant. tough love, enforcing law and regulations, expanding public school choice programs, requiring recipients of federal funds to offer students a better deal.

Flex flip, n., mid-course correction. E.g., A newly sworn-in cabinet official announces she will compromise with states and districts with respect to a big law’s compliance timelines and requirements, and then does a flex flip after concluding a lot of their “flexibility” requests won’t help kids.Syn. tough love, enforcing law and regulations, requiring recipients of federal funds to put kids first. Compare gymnastics. — Usage. In Eduspeak, “flex flip” tends to be used in close proximity to the following largely obs. words: the “E” word enforcement, the “C” word compliance, and the dreaded “A” word audit. Guestblogger Dianne Piche

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