NBPTS Update…Frying Pan, Meet Fire

After wondering just a week or so ago where the Sanders NBPTS data was, suddenly it’s released (sorta and with some spin). Ed Week’s Bess Keller writes it all up. Coincidence? You decide!

But when do we get to see the whole study on the NBPTS website? They say they’re not going to post it. Why? It’s like the National Board doesn’t get it, dribbling this out is the worst strategy of all. Keller is a bulldog on this stuff and this might have some legs because there is so much money involved. Second worst strategy: Picking a fight with Sanders like they seemingly are…and over methodology! The methods he was going to use couldn’t have been a surprise to them…after all, he’s the value-added guru. You don’t hire him if you want a case study!

Also, subtle risk here: This could further embolden ABCTE to overplay their hand at their event later this week. That would be a mistake, none of this NBPTS stuff changes things for ABCTE.

Update: This explains it! Thanks to reader MG for the tip.

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