The new Center for High Impact Philanthropy at the University of Pennsylvania is ramping up its staff. They’re looking for an associate director and a K-12 researcher who can transcend the various silos and:
…serve as the Center’s internal expert on educational interventions, practices, and programs. He/she will work closely with the Executive Director and Associate Director to develop the Center’s understanding of what interventions work in addressing K-12 urban education and what organizations are positioned to make meaningful improvements in this space. The researcher will serve an important “translator” role and must be able to quickly identify and categorize relevant, valid academic research, recognize promising practitioners/programs, and outline the key education-specific metrics philanthropists can use to determine the best use of their money.
Full job description here. And the Associate Director description is here. The center is an interesting and potentially very important project. Send questions, resumes, CVs, etc…to this email address.