Writing in The Baltimore Sun Andy Smarick defends the proposed takeover of some Baltimore public schools. Seems to me this is (a) one of those cases where both sides are right and (b) obviously about power more than education. As some Baltimore politicians and community leaders claim there is little doubt that this is in part political, a way to embarrass Baltimore Mayor and gubernatorial candidate Martin O’Malley. But, these schools are struggling and more intensive efforts would likely benefit the kids in them and the state may have the power to shake things up more than the locals can. O’Malley is in a jam. The educational state of affairs in Baltimore can hardly be laid at his feet, but the perceived lack of urgency and resistance to change (hardly unique to Baltimore) by Baltimore stakeholders gives him a really tough hand to play here. But, hard not to note a bit more urgency now that this takeover option is on the table though…