Steve Barr and hundreds of parents marched in LA on Tuesday:
Armed with about 10,000 signatures from South Los Angeles parents, students and other residents, hundreds of marchers converged on school district headquarters Tuesday, calling for the district to relinquish control of struggling Jefferson High School and transform it into six independent charter schools…
Unless the two reach a compromise, Barr and the district could be headed for a showdown over Jefferson. If the board turns down Barr’s charter applications, he could appeal to the state Board of Education. On Tuesday, Barr said he would prefer to work out “a local solution.”
Marchers began their spirited but orderly two-mile march at a church parking lot south of downtown. Police closed off streets as marchers moved through traffic, waving signs in Spanish and English and chanting, “What do we want? Small Schools!” and other slogans. Barr held his 3-month-old daughter in a carrier strapped to his chest, while many others pushed their children in strollers.
Dunno…sure seems like there is a message here that those who care about public education ought to heed, those who were there say this was something to see…
So, at Jefferson we’re going to find out if a revolution every generation or so is a good idea after all…Sac Bee’s Weintraub weighs-in here.