Still Growing…And, Earth Mother’s Harmonic Convergence With The NEA

Washington Post’s usually savvy Anderson turns in a story about all the new NCLB flexibility seemingly oblivious to two inconvenient facts (1) not everyone is happy about it and (2) just ’cause the critics and the interest groups love the changes it’s not axiomatic that they’re a good idea. In fact, it’s a pretty good and obvious clue to dig deeper because it’s likely that’s not the case! Eduwonk is not an investigative reporter but cooing from the NEA and concern from the Citizens’ Commission on Civil Rights sure seems like a tip-off to that…

The dynamic Ds, Kennedy and Miller weigh-in with a letter to Earth Mother, CCCR statement here, and AP’s Feller updated his story to add a cautionary note from Ed Trust’s Haycock.

Word is that Earth Mother thought that this proposal was going to bring everyone together in some sort of harmonic convergence. Can they really be that out of touch or is the Stockholm Syndrome really that ingrained? Maybe the education policy is more like the Iraq policy than Eduwonk first thought.

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