A Slew Of Must Reads: Hard Truths In MA, In Politics, In Religion, In Finance, In Language, And In Red State Porn!

Here’s a bombshell for Pearl Harbor Day: It’s not the kids! New analysis from the Massachusetts Department of Education says that in many of the state’s lowest performing schools it’s not resources either, it’s – gasp – instruction! The Globe story is a good summary, go to the MA DOE for the reports.

Writing on NRO, Dukto’s Gary Andres says the education issue helps the Republicans among Hispanic voters right now. Duh. Via Jacobs. (Worth reading though, particularly for recrimination seeking Dems who don’t believe the party can just talk its way* out of the current jam…)

NYT’s Winter takes a look at school finance in Kentucky and potential lessons for NYC. Wash. Post’s Strauss sums-up the evolution-creationism debate. Charles Haynes lays out the reality…

E-rate fans rest easy. It looks like the program will get another Anti-Deficiency Act exemption for another year. Powell is in favor, too.

Oh yeah, new PISA results, cue handwringing.


*Teachers’ Unions = ‘Learning Suppression Agents’? Might work.

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