In WI they say more bark than bite on NCLB. Stateline says rebellion? What rebellion?
The AP’s Feller looks at teacher “tenure.”
CSM looks at a new KIPP school. Inspiring.
They’ve set a date for a new teachers’ union election in Chicago. A 9/13 smackdown.
NYT’s Freedman takes a counterintuitive look at the flip side of summer school.
NYT’s Winter takes an interesting look at counselor greasing.
Kerry and Edwards spoke with the NEA conference by videophone after blowing them off on Tuesday. No news though. Sen. HRC pinch hit in their place on Tuesday.
Here is a wonky look at cross sector alliances involving charter schools.
More from the U.K. on Labor’s new education plans there. More from BBC here.
If you follow school finance, you should be reading these memos.
And, if you are interested in teacher quality issues then bookmark this website developed by Learning Point Associates and Education Commission of the States.
New Mathematica study (PDF) on Up With People Upward Bound. Something for friends and foes alike.