A Little (important) Summer Reading…And, Return of the Steiner!

NYT’s Gootman reports on big special education news there. Two words: Class action.

Dan Butin of Gettysburg College challenges David Steiner’s research on education schools in TC Record. Butin’s methods do not completely engage with Steiner’s argument and he, too, seems to advance the argument that syllabi are largely irrelevant to course content. But it’s the first empirical challenge to Steiner so it’s worth reading. Yes, if it were not vacation season it might be all Steiner all the time again here at Eduwonk! Instead, you’ll have to wait until September 10, when these two square off in a morning debate at the Progressive Policy Institute about these issues.

DCEdublog is all over the superintendent hiring situation in D.C. and the passing of former D.C. superintendent Barbara Sizemore.

One Reply to “A Little (important) Summer Reading…And, Return of the Steiner!”

  1. Summer reading is very important for the student to learn some new concepts. The student has an excess of time to learn new concepts. The student has easily familiar with new concepts.
    Top Ten Learning

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