In a must-read NYT article Diana Jean Schemo takes a look at proposed changes to state accountability plans and notes that advocates for disabled students are becoming concerned that these students might be overlooked. National Council of La Raza’s Raul Gonzalez also signals disappointment.
In The Washington Post William Raspberry hits a similar theme. He notes that when Langley High School in tony McLean Virginia was identified as needing improvement under No Child Left Behind it led many to ridicule the law. In fact, Langley redoubled their efforts with special education students (the group that led to the identification in the first place) and took care of the problem…
The Post’s Michael Dobb’s also has a must-read article about school finance litigation where he lays out the reason liberals should love NCLB (and though he doesn’t say it, the reason that many state legislators don’t love it…).
Over the weekend The New York Times took a look at commencement speeches, worth reading, plenty of excerpts. NYT also examined the school finance debate in New York.
Joanne Jacobs discusses “friends with benefits” here. And Ms. Frizzle reviews the new Harry Potter movie here.