It was getting a little rough at the National Spelling Bee but a winner has emerged.
A new NEA front group is now defending Florida’s accountability system in order to castigate NCLB…here is quick example of why FL’s system isn’t that good (even if this support were genuine…)
Ryan Sager of the New York Post writes that the demand from minorities for better schools is causing political headaches for the NEA. At least read the lede, one of the funnier ones in a while…
A new study on the predictive effects of the SAT is causing some buzz. (More non-economist friendly policy brief available here)
And, President Bush has nominated John Hager, the former Lt. Governor of Virginia, to be the next assistant secretary of education for special education and rehabilitative services. Good enough, but he’s got ties to former Virginia Governor Gilmore which means keep him away from the treasury…