We know (or at least fervently hope) Eduwonk is not your only source of daily information and also know that with the myriad political, policy, and education blogs out there, we’ve got some pretty stiff competition for your time.
So, if you’re one of the growing cadre of web-savvy folks using “Really Simple Streaming” (RSS) — sound Greek to you? It’s not just geek. Learn more by clicking here — to simplify your daily look around the web. We’d like to make sure you know that this feature is also accessible for Eduwonk. If your newsreader will accept Atom feeds, one for Eduwonk is available here: https://www.eduwonk.com/atom.xml
If your newsreader doesn’t work with this file, don’t despair. Our crack team of tech gurus is at work on a solution and we’ll let you know as soon as it’s available.
Also, Eduwonk is going to be spending time this holiday weekend with the Eduwife and the Edupooch so posting will be light, if at all, but we’ll be back Tuesday.