Over the weekend The Washington Post’s Colbert I. King discussed Bill Cosby’s controversial remarks from last week. Amazingly, the only other place the Post has been running discussion of Cosby’s provocative comments has been in the gossip column…
Tamar Lewin looked at the new SAT in the NYT. Kaplan, the test prep company, is touting the opportunity that the class of 2006 has to take both versions of the SAT as a “unique one time advantage”…Eduwonk is sure that high school students taking the SAT an extra time feel the same way since it’s such a barrel of laughs…
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel discusses different strategies to close the achievement gap, and Newsday takes a long look at racial isolation in schools in New York and revisits the same issue in today’s paper.
In Monday’s papers The New York Post takes on NYC Chancellor Joel Klein over school finance and NYT readers respond to Stanley Fish. Boston students are putting together their own guide to the city’s schools, and not everyone is happy about it, though to his credit Boston Superintendent Tom Payzant is. In The Washington Post Spencer Hsu writes about the superintendent search in Fairfax County, the nation’s 12th largest school system, and the disappointment of the local teachers association and parent groups that they were not more involved in the selection (read allowed to turn it into a three ring circus around various single issues…). Also in the Post, local education ace Rosalind Helderman takes an interesting look at the dynamics of playground building at schools.
Finally, it’s a safe bet that Armstrong Williams will not be speaking at the annual NEA convention this summer…
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